Welcome to the website of the

Chair of Drug and Cosmetics Biotechnology (CDCB) !


In the Chair of Drug and Cosmetics Biotechnology (CDCB) six research groups conduct research in the fields of molecular, cellular and systemic biology, biochemistry, microbiology, biotechnology, biotransformations, and organic synthesis.

The scientific profile of CDCB includes:

1) biotechnological production of biologically active compounds in bacterial and yeast systems (drugs, pesticides, cosmetics, proteins, etc.),

2) organic synthesis and applications of enzymes in production of biologically active compounds,

3) investigation of chemical compounds as the potential antitumor, antibacterial, and antimycotic drugs,

4) elucidation of interdependence and regulation of metabolic network in bacteria and fungi cells,

5) investigation of intermolecular interactions by means of atomic force microscope (AFM) and quartz crystal microbalance (QCM), including the effect of cosmetic compounds on skin cells.

The variety of research topics pursued in CDCB enable students to make free choices of interesting diploma theses (BSc, MSs, PhD),

We conduct classes first of all for Biotechnology and Chemical Technology students on I and II stage of study, but also for PhD students and students of other courses.

We cooperate with other chairs and departments of the Faculty, as well as with research institutes and industry representatives whom we invite to conduct classes for students. It all makes students acquire  wide interdisciplinary knowledge preparing them to scientific work in research and industry laboratories, development new technologies and managing jobs in industry and administration.

